Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Spiritual Sabbatical

Sounds kind of nice, but what is it?

My soul needs some space, some time to grow and expand, to see where it wants to go.

I've always been a good student, peace-keeping middle child, and dutiful daughter. For the last 26 years, I've been a wife, mother, and stepmother; business woman; volunteer at my kids' school; board member and volunteer at a nursing home; member of countless committees; and all-around responsible person. Over the last 8 years, I've become a holistic health counselor, Reiki master, healthy cooking teacher, and gentle yogi who is waking up to her spiritual nature.

I've met others' expectations admirably but stopped creating my own. In the last several years, even though I chose a new and different course, I was still confined by my societal and self-defined roles.

Piccadilly, our Wheaten terrier

Last spring, we put our dog down. It was traumatic for my husband and me, and all I know is that I miss her presence in my life: her unconditional loving nature, those beautiful eyes, a steady companion. In June, my youngest graduated from high school. In anticipation of having an empty nest, my husband and I bought a home in a new gated community that would require much less upkeep. In the interim, the economy tanked. We put our house on the market a year ago and it hasn't sold.

In concert with these changes in my life, my monthly cycles started changing as well. I felt dispassionate, not excited about anything. Sure, I was happy for my younger daughter who was starting college, and for my older daughter who was moving into the city to work and live near friends. We have wonderful older children and two beautiful grandchildren. And yet. . .

I felt I needed to get away, find something to feel passionate about again. I felt locked into my traditional roles. With some guidance, the idea of a spiritual sabbatical was born, a time to explore my soul, my deeper self. I invite you to take this journey with me.

1 comment:

  1. A spiritual sabbatical...I love it! I'm looking forward to the journey! xoxo Michele
