Friday, February 12, 2010

A Prophetic Step

I was fortunate to recently spend the better part of a week taking a class with Rosalyn Bruyere and her husband, Ken, in picturesque Sierra Madre, California. Rosalyn is best known for her work as a spiritual teacher, healer, clairvoyant and author (Wheels of Light, 1994). Working with Dr. Valerie Hunt at UCLA, she helped to provide scientific documentation of the human energy field. Over her esteemed career, Reverend Bruyere has studied a wide range of topics and worked with both allopathic and other healing professionals.

The topic for our study was The Prophetic Journey and the Chakra System. To be honest, it didn't much matter to me what the topic was. I had read Rosalyn's book and she had been recommended to me by two people who assured me "she is the real deal. . . she has integrity and is a wonderful teacher." Many of the 34 people in the class have been studying with Rosalyn for years--we're talking 10, 12, 15 years. They are doctors, nurses, psychologists, holistic practitioners and healers, and other professionals and lay people. Some came from as far away as Germany. After being in Rosalyn's presence and her energy field for 5 days, I can see why. She and Ken both have a tremendous breadth of experience. They have a lot to share and do so with grace and humor, while also making time for students to experience their own learning.

Just to give you a taste, here is a sprinkling of the topics we covered during the week:

1. Using one's intuition.
Pre-work for the course was reading a book by a prophet and writing what you thought and felt. We talked about the assignment briefly; it was only afterwards I realized that the learning was in the doing. Having read the Book of Micah, I could listen more intelligently to the discussion. We also learned about the history and forms of prophecy, who is a prophet, and linking the spiritual with the prophetic.

2. What the different chakras tell us--about prophecy as well as the state of our health . We talked about the color of the chakras, their energy and emotions, and how to strengthen them.

3. Applying what we learn to help others. We need to trust what we are feeling and don't need to always come to some sort of mental conclusion about it.

4. Creative play. We had assignments every day where we drew, we colored, we observed and worked with energy. We were out in nature. Rosalyn and Ken, who both paint, did a watercolor demonstration for us. I was so inspired, I'm starting painting lessons this week!

5. Helping make sense of the world we live in. For example, we talked about the study of different sciences and how sharing information between the sciences creates breakthroughs, which is happening exponentially in the internet age.

6. Some other topics: Harry Potter, the building of the pyramids, current events (e.g. earthquake in Haiti, Conan O'Brien and the Tonight Show, the Mayan calendar).

The week was food for the soul and senses. I left feeling very filled up and eager to take another class with Rosalyn. She teaches primarily in California, Cincinnati and Genermany. If you would like more information, visit her website:

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